This is an excellent case for the application of the Exigent Response Model, when the taser is obtained by Mr. Lyoya, that is when “Informed failure” makes Officer Schurr fear for his life, with very little time to consider and weigh other options and then go to “Productive Deviance” to save his own life. This is a model that could be used to educate and defend law enforcement (and others), and explain the need for action to juries!

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No col worth their weight has ever put on their uniform in the hopes of killing someone. In our current era, the same cop who puts a uniform on actually dreads having to use deadly force. I wonder if the public at large will ever understand that.

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You are 100%. I think most people do. But the dishonest, loud, and annoying anti-police activists will never understand. Or, more likely, they do understand. But they profit from the division.

Like Ben Crump. He knows when he’s lying about an OIS. But there is no money in saying that an OIS is lawful.

When your first episode? Can’t wait!

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*No cop

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Well-presented and informative. One problem is that it can difficult to understand the job of a police officer if one has never done it. Hopefully the general public will read articles like yours and then try to consider themselves in our situation.

If the agenda is to make our job so unappealing that no one wants to do it and therefore Society collapses, then I suppose our job is to be resilient against the lunacy until it subsides.

It's going to take a prolonged, calculated and unified approach.

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Thanks for the kind words.

And I agree. The anti-police activists want to make police work awful for decent cops. Their goal is to defund and dismantle police depts. every dishonest criticism of a lawful police use of force is one step closer to their utopia.

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"If the agenda is to make our job so unappealing that no one wants to do it and therefore Society collapses, then I suppose our job is to be resilient against the lunacy until it subsides."

Regarding the top levels of activism, that is it. Destroying the society they inhabit is a means, as they believe they'll be the new Mandarins. It's also an end, as the fire of chaos warms their hearts. Does that sound cray? Governor Tim Wall's wife said it in public. One can only guess what they think in private.

Leftists may lack wisdom but they're far from stupid. If they do succeed in importing enough Islam to win their battle against normal life, they calculate that they'll float to the top of the new order after announcing their conversion. I believe most of them would find their conversions rejected after they're no longer needed by Dar al-Islam. Smart, but not wise.

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Unfortunately, most people do not take into account the progression of the event and jump to a false conclusion based on their limited knowledge and NOT fact.

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I just discovered your newsletter and this was the first article that I read. It was very well done and I plan on reading your prior articles and look forward to the next one.

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Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate that very much.

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All the officers I know, never wish to kill someone. The officers I know who did were remorseful and it weighed on their minds for sometime. When good officers are Monday morning quarterbacked with the shoulda and woulda mind set, it is not fair to those who were dealing with the issue in real time. Nice breakdown of the event. Stay safe.

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